Alaska 2003
Dezember 25th, 2003 until January 15th, 2004


"For what is a man, What has he got?
If not his car, So he has naught,
To say that he Is really free..."

There were three reasons for this journey:
Two years ago, Almut came up with the idea of having a dinner at the Captain Cook in Anchorage.
My visa was expiring and I had to leave the country anyway.
As great as California is, after six months on one place I felt the desire to go back to where I came from, back to the road.

No matter if the INS let me into the States again or not, we had to go there, where the real winter is. And it is better to get stuck for six months in Canada than in Mexico. Not again, I went through this before.

The United States are the greatest country I've ever been, topping even Libya, Norway and Argentina. I needed to see a little bit more of it.

Also Almut has not travelled anymore since she went back from Argentina to Germany two years ago and travelling means being on the road. No appointments, no schedules, no watches. The road rules. And the best music is still the sound of the good old four-cylinder Diesel engine.

Los Angeles - San Francisco - Sacramento - Carson City - Salem - Olympia - Seattle - Vancouver - Hope - Prince George - Chatwyn - Fort Nelson - Watson Lake - Haines Junction - Tok - Fairbanks - Anchorage - Tok - Whitehorse - Dawson Creek - Saskatoon - Glendive - Detroit
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